Lidah kucing cream cheese, kue kering yang rasanya sangat istimewa dan lumer dimulut. Yuk buat di rumah hidangan pas saat hari raya.
Lidah Kucing cream cheese, a pastry that tastes very special and melted in the mouth. Let's make at home a fitting dish during the holidays.
Bahan (ingredients) :
100 gram mentega tawar (100 grams of unsalted butter)
50 gram margarin (50 grams of margarine)
25 gram gula pasir halus (25 grams of fine sugar)
75 gram cream cheese, biarkan suhu ruang (75 grams of cream cheese, let the room temperature)
50 gram keju permesan bubuk (50 grams of powdered cheese)
20 gram susu bubuk (20 grams of milk powder)
5 putih telur (5 egg whites)
50 gram gula pasir halus (50 grams of fine sugar)
50 gram margarin (50 grams of margarine)
25 gram gula pasir halus (25 grams of fine sugar)
75 gram cream cheese, biarkan suhu ruang (75 grams of cream cheese, let the room temperature)
50 gram keju permesan bubuk (50 grams of powdered cheese)
20 gram susu bubuk (20 grams of milk powder)
5 putih telur (5 egg whites)
50 gram gula pasir halus (50 grams of fine sugar)
Bahan taburan (Sprinkling ingredients) :
50 gram almond slice, cincang kasar (50 grams almond slice, roughly chopped)
Cara Membuat Lidah Kucing Cream Cheese (How To Make Lidah Kucing Cream Cheese) :
- Kocok mentega, margarin, dan gula pasir 5 menit sampai putih. Tambahkan cream cheese. Kocok hingga rata. (Beat the butter, margarine, and granulated sugar 5 minutes to white. Add cream cheese. Shake well.)
- Masukkan permesan, tepung terigu, dan susu bubuk sambil diayak dan diaduk rata. Sisihkan. (Enter the dabs, wheat flour, and powdered milk while sifted and stirred evenly. Set aside.)
- Kocok putih telur sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit – sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang.Masukkan ke dalam campuran margarin sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan. Masukkan ke dalam kantong plastik segitiga. (Beat the egg whites until half expands. Add a little sugar while shaking until fluffy. Put in a little margarine mixture while stirring slowly. Put it in a triangular plastic bag.)
- Semprotkan di atas loyang lidah kucing yang dioles mentega putih. Taburkan almon kasar (Spray on a baking cat tongue with white butter. Sprinkle the rough almonds)
- Oven dengan api bawah suhu 130 derajat Celsius 28 menit sampai matang. (Oven with fire under temperature 130 degrees Celsius 28 minutes until cooked.)
Untuk 405 gram (For 405 grams)
from Miezz Younie
Bikin Ketagihan Kue Kering Lidah Kucing Cream Cheese Kelezatanya Luar Biasa, Emm Lumer Dimulut. Hidangan Pas Untuk Hari Raya Nanti - Resep Masakan, Kue Kering, Kue Basah