Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

Bolu Kukus Mekar Ini Wajib Kita Hidangan Pas Hari Raya Nanti | Resep Masakan

Kita wajib menghadirkan resep Bolu Kukus Mekar ini untuk hidangan favorit saat hari raya nanti. Nikmat banget kalau disantap bersama secangkir teh manis hangat. 

We are obliged to show this steamed blueprint recipe to present the favorites during the holidays. It's delicious when eaten with a cup of warm sweet tea. 

Bahan (ingredients):
2 butir telur (2 eggs)
200 gram gula pasir (200 grams of sugar)
2 sendok teh emulsifer (sp/tbm) (2 spoon emulsifer (sp/tbm))
275 gram tepung terigu protein sedang (275 grams of medium protein flour)
1/4 sendok teh garam (1/4 teaspoon salt)
1/2 sendok teh baking powder (1/2 teaspoon baking powder)
175 ml minuman bersoda tawar (175 ml of soft drinks)
50 gram santan kental instan (50 grams of instant creamy coconut milk)
1/4 sendok teh esens pandan (1/4 teaspoon pandanus esens)
1 tetes pewarna hijau (1 drop of green dye)
2 tetes pewarna merah muda (2 drops of pink dye)
1 tetes pasta cokelat (1 drop of chocolate paste)

Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Mekar (How to Make Bolu Kukus Mekar) :
  1. Kocok telur, gula pasir, dan emulsifier sampai kaku 10 menit. (Beat eggs, granulated sugar, and emulsifiers till 10 minutes.)
  2. Tambahkan tepung terigu, garam, dan baking powder sambil diayak, bergantian dangan campuran minuman bersoda tawar, santan kental instan, dan esens pandan sambil di kocok rata. (Add flour, salt, and baking powder while sifted, alternating with a mixture of soft drinks, instant creamy coconut milk, and pandanus essence while shaking evenly.)
  3. Ambil 50 gram adonan. Tambahkan pewarna hijau. Aduk rata. Sisihkan. Ambil 50gram adonan. Tambahkan pewarna merah muda. Aduk rata. Sisihkan. Ambil 50 gram adonan. Tambahkan pasta cokelat. Aduk rata (Take 50 grams of dough. Add green dye. Stir well. Set aside. Take 50 grams of dough. Add a young young dye. Stir well. Set aside. Take 50 grams of dough. Add chocolate paste. Stir well)
  4. Sendokkan adonan putih ke dalam cetakan bolu kukus yang sudah dilapisi kertas. Sendokkan adonan hijau, adonan merah muda, dan adonan cokelat. (Spoon the white dough into a steamed sponge cake that has been using paper. Spoon the green dough, pink batter, and chocolate dough.)
  5. Kukus 10 menit di atas api besar sampai matang. (Steam 10 minutes over a large fire until cooked.)
Untuk 14 Buah (for 14 pieces)

from Miezz Younie https://ift.tt/2y5GA7j
Bolu Kukus Mekar Ini Wajib Kita Hidangan Pas Hari Raya Nanti - Resep Masakan, Kue Kering, Kue Basah

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